And now for something completely different. We discuss Asher’s unbelievable adventures in Syria and Qatar, including his new (former) Al-Qaeda buddies and his guardedly optimistic outlook for the region as a result. John then discusses the importance of teaching about legal issues surrounding the Holocaust and why the right is on the rise in Germany. With Adar and Purim approaching and considering Asher’s trip, we’re reminded of v’nahafoch hu, how events can spin around in surprising ways.
Ambassador Rabbi Lopatin
Mar 03, 2025

A Rabbi and a Lawyer Walk Into a Bar
Grab a seat and join old friends, Rabbi Asher Lopatin and his former synagogue president, John Geiringer. Imagine sharing a drink with two news junkies who keep an open mind, challenge the status quo, and love discussing the comedy, tragedy, absurdity, and reality of the Jewish experience. Throughout their discussions, John will ask Asher provocative questions that congregants wish they could ask their rabbis.
Grab a seat and join old friends, Rabbi Asher Lopatin and his former synagogue president, John Geiringer. Imagine sharing a drink with two news junkies who keep an open mind, challenge the status quo, and love discussing the comedy, tragedy, absurdity, and reality of the Jewish experience. Throughout their discussions, John will ask Asher provocative questions that congregants wish they could ask their rabbis.Listen on
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